Monday, October 17, 2011


Yesterday, the girls and I walked through a corn maze with other Girl Scouts.  I always thought it would be neat to wonder through I giant corn field with my daughters, but I never thought it would be possible.   I guess I was wrong and  am delighted to say so!

It was a breezy afternoon, but the corn stalks sheltered us from the chilled air.  Not once did I have to worry about losing my balance on the uneven ground or by a child trying to run past me on the side.  It was simply a joy and a gift that I will never forget.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Stopping for Gas

Yesterday, I drove the girls and I home from the cabin.  I had to stop and get gas.  The girls stood next to me as I dropped $25.00 into the tank.  Sharon looked up at me and said, "Do you remember when Grandma had to do this for you?"

It's true, there were quite a few years that I wasn't able to stand and pump my own gas.  Not only would it be too difficult to stand outside my car, it was difficult for me to maneuver the pump and take the gas cap off.  

Because I went so many years not being able to do this task on my own, it doesn't bother me to stop to fill my tank.   It doesn't even bother me that gas is so expensive because the gift of independence and mobility I have been given is priceless!